Can Actions I Take Damage My Car Accident Claim in Illinois?
If you are injured in a car accident, you would think that the liable insurance company would simply pay you a reasonable settlement amount without any hassle. Unfortunately, the exact opposite is usually the case. Insurance companies have an extensive repertoire of tricks designed to damage your claim and reduce or eliminate your settlement.
What tactics do these companies use? Can they use your actions against you? When you work with an experienced attorney from Premier Illinois Injury Lawyers, we will not let insurers take advantage of you.
How Do Insurance Companies Sabotage Car Accident Claims?
Insurance company representatives may be courteous, but they are not your friends. Instead, their job is to protect the company’s best interests, which are usually the opposite of yours. You deserve fair compensation for your damages, which might include lost wages, medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, and permanent disability.
Insurance company adjusters know how much your case is worth. To attempt to minimize your payout, they may:
Trick you into admitting fault
Offer intentionally low settlement amounts
Question the severity of your injuries and their impact on your life
Manipulate your degree of fault
Claim that your injuries did not happen in your accident
When you partner with Premier Illinois Injury Lawyers, we will investigate your accident and find the evidence we need to establish fault and liability clearly. If you are partly responsible, we will ensure that the percentage of fault assigned to you is fair and accurate, as fault of more than 51 percent disqualifies you from obtaining a settlement.
We will also gather other evidence supporting your claim, and we will force insurers to communicate with you through our office. Our goal is to protect your best interests throughout your claims process.
What Might You Do That Damages Your Claim?
There are several things you might do unintentionally that might undermine your claim. Avoid:
Posting on social media, as your photos, posts, and comments can be used to discredit you
Making any statements that could indicate you were at fault for your collision, as even saying, "I’m sorry," can be twisted into an admission of fault
Allowing insurance company representatives to record conversations
Signing any documents before your attorney reviews them
You should not discontinue recommended medical treatments or return to work before your physician releases you because insurers can say these actions mean your injuries are not as severe as you claim.
When you call Premier Illinois Injury Lawyers for your free consultation, we may give you further case-specific advice.
Call Now To Discuss Your Case With Our Skilled Lake Zurich, IL Car Accident Lawyers
Most people are unaware of the many potential complications with car accident claims. At Premier Illinois Injury Lawyers, we will overcome these challenges so you can focus on recovering from your injuries. Call us at 847-796-8448 for your free consultation with our highly effective Lake County, IL personal injury attorneys.